Saturday, March 30, 2013

Arthroscopy: The Day After

Here I am typing, one handed mind you, but I am typing! Day two was better than I expected based on my first rotator cuff surgery three years back. The seemingly clumsy attempt at administering the pain block by the anesthesiologist turned out to be a benefit, because the extra numbing agent that he used really deadened the pain for much longer than 24 hours. I lasted for all of Day Two as well. I was in no pain from the surgical site and experienced only soreness in the general area.

Now I did take the Hydrocodone as prescribed, but at this point I am starting to feel like I won't need it for the Day Three and beyond. I also used plenty of ice today, something that will continue for many more days. I moved about the house frequently today, getting the mail, fiddling with a new cordless phone system and programing a new remote for the living room television. Apart from that, I read and generally just hung out with my family and watched more of the basketball tournament. It's been a pretty good experience thus far, and much better than before.

I still must sleep in a reclined position again tonight, but I have a feeling that because I am not in much pain I may actually have a better chance to sleep tonight than in previous nights. I surely miss my bed, but it is not so bad. Tomorrow begins a new challenge as I remove the bandages and begin the first very light exercise of the arm. I can also finally shower as well!

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